Nowadays, assistive technology (AT) plays a critical role in the school environment. It is a device or tool used by students with disabilities to perform tasks that they could not otherwise perform. It improves students' functional capabilities, self-independence, and access to quality education. For example, exceptional students with physical, cognitive, or sensory disabilities can use ATs to complete activities, communicate with teachers and classmates, and participate in the same classroom setting as students who are not exceptional.

Learn more about assistive technology.

Assistive technology devices are available for different types of exceptionalities. 

Physical Disabilities

  • Alternative keyboard
  • Book holder
  • Eye control computer device
  • Foot-operated mouse 
  • Joystick
  • Page turner
  • Pencil grip
  • Pointing device
  • Switch
  • Touch screen
  • Voice input or output device

Visual Impairments

  • Audiobook
  • Braille keyboard or software
  • Computer screen magnifier
  • Large key calculator
  • Large print book
  • Talking electronic dictionary
  • Text-to-speech software

Hearing Impairments

  • Amplification system
  • Book on CD
  • Electronic book
  • Closed captioning
  • Headphone

Speech and Language Impairments

  • Electronic dictionary
  • Eye and head pointing device
  • Flashcard
  • Manipulative
  • Speech recognition software that converts speech into text (e.g., Dragon NaturallySpeaking)
  • Text-to-speech software that converts text into speech (e.g., NaturalReader)
  • Word prediction program

Cognitive or Learning Disabilities

  • Concept-mapping software that allows students to organize their ideas visually (e.g., Kidspiration for K-5 and Inspiration for 6-12)
  • Electronic organizer
  • Spell checker
  • Study skills software
  • Talking electronic device
  • Text-reading software
  • Word-prediction software

Learn more about assistive technology in the classroom.


Inspiration. (2020). Concept-mapping. Retrieved from

Maloy, R., Verock-O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Park Woolf, B. (2017). Transforming learning with new technologies (3rd ed.). Boston: Pearson.

pacercenter. (2010). Understanding assistive technology: Simply said. [Video file]. Retrieved from

Technology Resource Teachers. Kidspiration. Retrieved from

weibellk. (2008). Assistive technology. [Video file]. Retrieved from 

Information from this post may be used provided credit is given to Dominique Charlotteaux